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Agility Obedience Therapy Dogs

What do I need to do to compete in official trials?

You need to be a member of Dogs Victoria and your dog needs to be registered with Dogs Victoria.  Dogs Victoria is the governing body for most dog sports in Victoria.

How do I become a member?

Follow this link to the member forms on Dog Victoria's website. Download and complete the membership form and send the appropriate money and other necessary paperwork to Dogs Victoria.

What do I need to do to register my dog?

If your dog came from a registered breeder it may have been registered with Dogs Victoria as a puppy.  If you have a registration form from your breeder you can transfer the dog into your name.  You cannot do this until you have joined Dogs Victoria, and have a membership number issued.  You may opt not to transfer your dog but register your dog as an "Associate" instead.

If your dog is from a non registered breeder, pet shop, or is a rescue dog, etc you will need to download the "Associate Registration form" and after completion forward it, the relevant charges and paperwork to Dogs Victoria. Your dog will need to be neutered to be registered as an "Associate".

All of this takes time, so get your paperwork into Dogs Victoria well ahead of when you would like to attend trials. Once you are a member and your dog is registered you can start competing!

Link to the Australian National Kennel Club (ANKC) Rules
webpage for official rules of dog sporting activities.

(Please NOTE - Information on external web pages is for
information only and is not controlled, or approved, by EGDOC)

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