Find out more and Download membership forms and renewal forms here
Membership to EGDOC
A membership entitles you to one year’s attendance to the club. Memberships are done on a per-household basis, not a per-dog basis. If you are a single person from one household and wish to become a member, you take out an Adult membership. If more than one member of your household wishes to attend, take out a Family membership. It is cheaper than 2 Adult memberships, and everyone listed on the form may attend under the single membership. A “household” is everyone residing at a single address. Multiple dogs are allowed under one membership, whether it is an Adult or a Family membership.
Every new member starts in a Beginner class so we can get to know you and your dog. To book into a Beginner class, see our Contact page for details
Membership fees are indexed sometimes as Dogs Victoria charges an insurance levy for non-Dogs Victoria Members, and they raise the levy periodically. Download the latest forms to see fee information: