EGDOC trains on Sunday mornings starting at 9am
Classes start after announcements. It helps if you turn up a bit beforehand so you can sign in and grab your name tag.
New member/beginner classes run for 8 weeks. If you would like to join EGDOC and book into the next round of classes, please phone Janice on 0407 313 002
EGDOC is a club run by its members for its members. All of the instructors, committee and office bearers are volunteers. No one receives any payment for their services. Our reward is the satisfaction of seeing your dog grow into an obedient member of human society, who brightens up your life and you enjoy having fun with.
Membership fees go toward maintaining the club’s buildings and equipment, and covering the day to day expenses of running the club.
Please participate in your club. Volunteer your time to help the instructors setup (or pack up) the equipment needed for classes. Fill a bowl with water. Hook up a trailer. Stay after class and have a chin-wag. Come along to meetings. Join the committee. Help out at trials. Enjoy your club.
Feel free to remain after class, have a drink and a chat with the other members, trainers and committee. We all love to talk about dogs!
Coffee, tea and soft drinks
The club provides coffee and tea free of charge to members in the kitchen area of the clubrooms. Help yourself, but please wash your cup, and anything else you use, when you are finished.
Soft drinks and bottles of water are available in the fridge to purchase. There is a money tin in the fridge, which works on an honesty system. Put in your money, so that we can buy a replacement for the next person.
Location and Access
Parking can be done in the green areas shown.
The red areas are not to be parked in by members - they are used only by some instructors to enable movement of equipment. Keeping the red areas clear is important because there will be many dogs and people in those areas.
Mobility scooters etc.
Mobility scooters can be parked in the verandah areas of the clubrooms and at the rear of the toilet block. Scooters are required to be parked where they will not adversely impede on the access of all club members (e.g. blocking doorways, noticeboards, etc.)
Those attending class who may require assistance to unload their dog(s) and equipment can contact the club Secretary or President prior to class to arrange for a Committee member or Instructor to be available upon arrival.
Acess to facilities
Access to the clubrooms is suitable for all. Flooring is at one level and there are two external entry points. One external doorway is larger than standard, another external doorway is of standard measurements and there is an internal doorway of standard measurements.
Space within the clubrooms is limited and therefore not suitable for mobility scooters.
There is a small step at the entry to the toilets and there are no designated disabled toilets.
There are two access gates to the Velodrome, one small (suitable for people) and one large (suitable for vehicles). There is a steep concreted decline/incline to access the velodrome. The main training field is grassed and uneven in certain areas. The grassed area is also known to collect and hold water in certain areas which affects the ground surface.
Those attending class who may require assistance to get on to and off the velodrome can speak with an instructor or committee member who can organize assistance.
Getting help
Those needing assistance in any way can approach our club instructors. These volunteers wear uniforms (usually red in colour) with “Instructor” written on that clearly identify them as an instructor.
Members Wearing Red
Some club members voluntarily choose to wear club uniforms. These uniforms are usually red in colour and have the EGDOC logo embroidered on them. Those needing assistance can approach members who are wearing red and they can introduce you to an Instructor or Committee member.
Taking a break and protection from weather
The clubrooms provide shelter from the elements as well as refreshments (some refreshments have a small cost). Please note the clubrooms can only accommodate a limited number of people at the one time.
The clubrooms have a small kitchen and dining area that can provide protection.
The kitchen can be used by members to have a biscuit and make tea or coffee. Soft drinks and chilled bottled water can be purchased for a small cost.
The clubrooms, equipment shed, and toilet block have verandahs which can provide protection from the elements.
Shaded Areas of Grounds
There are shaded areas provided by trees around the boundaries of the velodrome facility. There is no shade on the velodrome itself.
Heat policy
For safety reasons EGDOC employs a heat policy.
If the temperature is 35 C or over, all classes are cancelled. In temperatures up to 35 C, handlers are to use their own discretion.
Note: The Club urges all members to consider their personal safety and that of their dogs in hot weather.